Question: The percentages of votes by race are out of what number? total population? total people of that race? total registered voters? total registered voters of that race?

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Great work -keep it up for 2022. We need you

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Interesting post. Two questions/comments. First, how are you getting your total 2016 votes? I see 438,000 as the Fulton County votes in 2016 presidential contest according to NYT. That puts Fulton slightly below 100% currently. Second, I believe you are forgetting to exclude cancelled ballots when you evaluate the number outstanding. The total mailed ballots with a "null" ballot status is 342,149. Thanks for your work collecting all of this data and sharing your thoughts.

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Thanks! Love to see the "net outstanding" absentee ballot number - we're hearing many voters have turned them in as they voted in=person absentee.

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